Sono davvero felice e orgoglioso di potervi annunciare che "Frank" ha vinto ben due CTEA'S al "Creepy Tree Film Festival" Fall Festival Edition"!!!
"Frank Part 1" ha vinto il Creepy Tree Exemplar Award nella sezione Best Horror Photography per Creepy Artistic Impression . "Frank Part 2" ha vinto il CTEA nella sezione Best Horror Photography per Creepy Models.
Un immenso grazie a SFX mua / modella Judith Gaasendam e a Franco Ratto per aver condiviso col sottoscritto queste oscure suggestioni!
Un ringraziamento speciale a tutti i membri del Creepy Tree Film Festival e a voi per il supporto dimostrato.
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Thrilled to announce that "Frank" has won 2 CTEA's at the "Creepy Tree Film Festival" Fall Festival Edition" !!!
"Frank Part 1" has earned the Creepy Tree Exemplar Award in Best Horror Photography for Creepy Artistic Impression.
"Frank Part 2" has earned the CTEA in Best Horror Photography for Creepy Models.
A big thanks to SFX mua / model Judith Gaasendam and Franco Ratto for sharing their dark side and being part of these creepy projects!
A special thanks to everybody at the Creepy Tree Film Festival and to all of you for your support.
Curious to see the winning pictures? Click here...
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